This form allows the registrant of a domain name or their authorized representative to request the removal of the domain from an existing account and to take on direct management and ownership of the domain name moving forward.
Any request for split will be put forward to the existing reseller or account holder for approval. If approval is received, the request will be completed. If the request is not approved, the domain name will not be moved.
The authentication method to request the split of a domain name is through the domain name password/EPP/UDAI or Auth-info password. Without authentication or approval from the existing domain provider, requests to split will not be approved.
{} complies with regulatory requirements and will provide the domain name password/EPP/Auth-code/UDAI password to the registrant of a domain name upon request, to the registrant email address of the domain. For .au domain names, you can request this online directly at the auDA Password Recovery. For other extensions, please contact our support team. For further assistance on domain name password recovery, please see our support page.